Essential Oils by Oleo Bodycare
Essential Oils by Oleo Bodycare

How I Use Essential Oils to Keep My Eczema Under Control

This blog comes from Oleo convert, who reveals why essential oils and Oleo have helped keep her eczema at bay.

Eczema can be an extremely uncomfortable and troublesome condition. As a sufferer myself, I know how frustrating an unexplained flare-up can be. For months I can be eczema free, then one day, I will suddenly react and have trouble with dry angry skin for weeks. I’ve found that trial and error is the best option for treating eczema. As my super sensitive skin can’t be cured of this inconvenience, I have developed a method that works for me and, for the most part, keeps my eczema under control. Natural products that contain nourishing essential oils are major players in my eczema-battling skin-care routine.

Why you should consider using essential oils for Eczema

A few years ago, I was introduced to essential oils, and I was amazed at how well they worked for my eczema. Doctors constantly tell me to keep away from fragranced products as they can irritate your skin; but, essential oils can actually help a lot! Essential oils are natural plant extracts that have a variety of therapeutic properties. They can be used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

I've found using natural essential oils beneficial to treating my eczema. Unlike when I've used some prescribed creams that have contained Sodium lauryl sulphate (a known skin irritant). You'll be pleased to hear that Oleo does not use Sodium lauryl sulphate in ANY of its products.

soothing body lotion from Oleo
Oleo Bodycare Soothing Body Lotion

Essential oils that can help alleviate Eczema symptoms

If you have eczema, your skin may not produce enough of its own fats and oils. This means your skin cells are unable to retain moisture and can result in dry, easily irritated skin. However, several essential oils can be effective in alleviating the itchy inflammation that comes with eczema; some of these include, helichrysum, neroli, and rose. They’re particularly good for the job because of their skin cell rejuvenating properties.

The following essential oils also work wonders for helping when my eczema is flaring:

  • Lavender: Lavender is a calming and soothing oil that can help to reduce inflammation and itching.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile is another calming oil that can help to soothe irritated skin.
  • Calendula: Calendula is a natural antiseptic that can help to heal wounds and prevent infection.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense is a powerful anti-inflammatory oil that can help to reduce redness and swelling.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial oil that can help to prevent infection and soothe irritated skin.

Oleo’s Soothing Body Lotion is a lovely blend of some of the above calming oils that can soften your skin and relieve eczema symptoms. I tend to use it after every shower to prevent my skin from drying out. The Soothing Body Lotion also contains coconut oil, which acts as a lovely natural moisturiser. I'd also recommend trying this product if you’re bored with the medical scent of prescribed creams.

Oleo also makes a (what I can only call magical) Replenishing Facial Moisturiser. If you’re dealing with a flare-up on your face (I can sometimes get it around my eyes) or you get dry skin, this naturally luxurious moisturiser should sort it out in no time. Featuring Neroli oil to reduce redness, Rosehip seed oil to encourage skin regeneration and Rose oil to rejuvenate. This little pot packs a deeply moisturising punch! It’s no wonder it’s one of Oleo’s best sellers.

facial moisturiser from Oleo
Oleo Bodycare Replenishing Facial Moisturiser

Additional tips for managing Eczema 

  • Avoid biological washing powders/detergents. The enzymes used in these always cause me to react without fail
  • Avoid spray on deodorant. The alcohol in these can cause a flare-up. Try a natural deodorant such as Oleo’s Fresh and Fruity Deodorant.
  • Don’t overuse prescribed steroid creams; they thin the skin and your skin could get withdrawal and flare up if you use them too often. Instead, be patient and try less harsh methods that take a little longer as I’ve described.

Overall, I find the best way to control my eczema is to remove irritants. This means being very wary that none of the products I buy contain any chemical nasties. For this reason, Oleo has been a miracle range as it does not use any parabens, synthetic fragrance/colours, or sodium lauryl sulphate.

Also, if you have any particular skin concerns that you'd like advice on, be sure to ask Olivia. Olivia is the founder of Oleo Bodycare and hand-makes all of Oleo's product range. She's also qualified at the renowned Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy and holds a first-class honours degree in Health Science. 

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Posted by Olivia Chapman on May 9th 2023

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