Skincare Resolutions To Make For The New Year
2023 is almost upon us and that can only mean one thing - it's time to start those New Year's resolutions. But instead of banishing chocolate from your life, why not try a different kind of goal this year? One that isn't about banishing what you love from your life, and instead about taking care of yourself a little more. What better place to start than with some New Year skincare resolutions?
A little bit of effort now will pay off by the end of the year.
Stay On Top of Daily Cleansing
Setting aside a non-negotiable amount of time each day to thoroughly cleanse your face is an extremely important skincare resolution to make. Twice daily cleansing should be your priority. Cleanse your face in the morning to remove impurities that were brought to the surface while you slept, and cleanse your face in the evening to remove makeup and other grime you may have been exposed to throughout the day.
Clean skin receives maximum benefit from skincare products. Find a suitable cleanser for your skin type. Oleo's Gentle Facial Wash is ideal if your skin is normal or combination and if you like the feel of water on your face. At the other end of the spectrum, for dry skin, Oleo's Rose Petal Cleansing Balm is a must-have, delectable addition to your skincare regime.

Drink Plenty of Water
Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is a very important resolution to make. Healthy hydration on the inside will show on the outside as well in brighter and clearer skin, less puffiness around your eyes and tighter skin around your cheeks and neck.
Don't Forget to Moisturise
Drinking water helps hydrate your body from the inside out, but applying moisturiser directly to your skin is an essential addition to your hydrating routine. Moisturised skin is happy skin. When you moisturise in the morning, you rehydrate and plump the skin which helps your foundation look flawless. When you moisturise at night, you restore the moisture your skin has lost throughout the day so your skin can repair itself overnight.
Regardless of your skin type (oily, combination or dry), it’s important to stay moisturised. Keeping skin moisturised not only encourages healthy cell turnover but helps fight the signs of ageing.
Oleo Bodycare has a moisturiser to suit every skin type. Our Light Facial Moisturising Cream for oily/normal skin, our best-selling Replenishing once was, and our Resilience or Frankincense Supreme will help you to age gracefully.

Prevent Sun Damage
No matter what time of year it may be, the sun's rays can damage your exposed skin with UVA and UVB. Over time, this damage can lead to sunspots, freckles, an aged look and other blemishes. Do not forget to apply sunscreen - even on a dull, cloudy day.
Get Plenty of Sleep
Often overlooked as a culprit to poor skin, not getting enough sleep can lead to puffy eyes, numerous fine lines and an abundance of wrinkles. Always try to get plenty of sleep each night. This may not always be possible, but by making a conscious effort you can improve your general skin condition and health.
Don't Forget to Exfoliate
Exfoliation is a process that occurs naturally when the dead epidermis cells (your skin cells) are shed to be replaced with the newer cells underneath. Although this process happens naturally, as we age this process becomes less effective, leaving an excess of dead skin cells. Exfoliating products help this natural process, preventing a build-up of dead skin cells and revealing a brighter, more youthful complexion underneath.
Opt for a gentle product that does not contain ocean-damaging microbeads. Oleo's Gentle Facial Exfoliator with crushed walnut shells is not at all harsh, but very effective.
Go Green with Your Skincare
With more people than ever making small changes to live more sustainably, the interest in vegan skincare is growing.
And with good reason. Vegan skincare is not only better for the planet, but it is also good for your skin. Made from natural ingredients, you can rest assured that you will be treating your skin to only the good stuff, with no hidden nasties in sight. You don't have to be a vegan to opt for vegan skincare.
Sometimes it's just nice to know that you aren't rubbing beetle juice or fish scales on your face!
Don't Forget About the Rest
It may be winter, but don't forget the rest of your body. It has a lot to deal with, thanks to moisture-sapping central heating and freezing cold temperatures outside. Prevent dry skin by using one of Oleo's vegan body moisturisers. If you suffer from bumpy skin on your body, you would benefit from our ultra-moisturising, skin-smoothing Lavender & Ylang Ylang Sugar Scrub.
Making resolutions is the easy part, but sticking to them can be difficult in this day and age. If you can maintain a proper skincare routine throughout the year, you will notice exceptional changes in your skin over time. Happy New Year.
Choose cruelty-free, vegan skincare products. Choose Oleo Bodycare.

Posted by Olivia Chapman on January 1st 2023