The Benefits of Sports Massage

Like it or not, the sporting season is well and truly upon us. Whether you are a keen participant in sport, or an armchair sports enthusiast, here is something that you will definitely like - sports massage.

Sports massage isn't just for athletes or gym bunnies, it's a technique that is applied in a deep and manipulative way, to help relieve the issue you may have. It can be beneficial to anyone looking to promote muscular health, whether that be due to a sporting injury or muscular tension caused by stress. How many of us are lucky enough to escape from some sort of aches and pains at some point in our lives? 

Sports massage can help and correct imbalances in the body if you-

  • suffer with muscular tension
  • suffer with bad posture
  • are an active person
  • have a high training regime
  • sit at a computer all day or have a sedentary lifestyle

Sports massage holds so many benefits to so many people; from physiological to psychological. It can greatly improve people's health and wellbeing.

Here are some benefits that sports massage can bring.

  • Detoxing - encouraging blood flow through massage promotes the removal of waste and toxins, lowering heart rate and improving wellbeing.
  • Faster recovery - increased blood circulation from massage reduces muscle tension and leads to quicker recovery; this improves the range of motion too.
  • Stay focused - massage creates a sense of relaxation and lowers tension which helps maintain a focused mind - perfect in the lead up to an important sporting event (even if you're only a spectator).
  • Happy feeling - by increasing relaxation, your parasympathetic nervous system is activated, this increases dopamine and serotonin levels which promotes a feeling of happiness.

We're not all fortunate enough to have our own therapist who rushes on to the court or pitch to massage our aching limbs or manipulate our aching back. If there is a serious injury or condition, then professional help should be sought. 

Whether aches and pains are due to sport participation, or stiffness is due to extended periods of sitting watching sport on TV, help is at hand. Firstly, find someone to massage or find someone to massage you. Next, arm yourself with a pot of Oleo's therapeutic massage balm. This is loved by many professional therapists and the lay person alike.

Our range of massage balms provide the perfect medium for massage. Paramount for an excellent massage is a product that gives the correct amount of slippage and control. Our massage balms do just that. They are semi-solid, which immediately melts onto the skin upon application. Our balms have the added benefit of producing significantly less waste, as there is no risk of spills. They are made with 100% natural ingredients - olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran wax, vitamin E and your choice of essential oil blend and, like the entire Oleo range, are vegan.

Which Oleo massage balm is best for a sports massage and the alleviation of aches and pains?

eucalyptus massage balm from Oleo


An important remedy in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis, especially where there is a lot of stiffness and loss of mobility.

black pepper and rosemary massage balm from Oleo

Black Pepper & Rosemary

Both of these essential oils are warming and excellent for relieving the pain of over-worked muscles.

ginger spike lavendar and marjorum massage balm from Oleo

Ginger, Spike Lavender & Marjoram

Ginger is a very warming oil. It can be used to treat arthritis and rheumatism. It is also beneficial for relieving muscle fatigue or aches and pains after over-exertion, as well as help with sprains and strains.

Spike Lavender has similar properties to (true) lavender, but is particularly suited to treating muscular aches and pains due to its analgesic action.

Sweet Marjoram is a warming and relaxing oil and makes an excellent addition to any massage blend where a relaxing and calming effect is desired. Its analgesic and warming properties suggest its use in the treatment of muscle pains, sprains and strains.

If you're at all unsure about massage, or which balm you should use, remember that you can always Ask Olivia.

Happy massaging!

Posted by Olivia Chapman on June 18th 2021

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