Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

recyclable packaging bag

March 18th is the fourth Global Recycling Day. 

It was created in 2018 to help recognise and celebrate the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet.

These natural resources form the basis of our very existence.  Humanity can't live without them.  However, these resources are finite and are rapidly running out. Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever. We are carelessly using the earth’s natural resources without thinking about what will replace them, while billions of tons of waste pour into landfill sites every year.

Part of the solution to this crisis is recycling. Recycling means capturing materials that would otherwise go to waste in order to save natural resources and the energy that it used to extract and transform natural resources into finished products.

"The long-used mantra of 'reduce, reuse, recycle' is something we bear in mind when we buy anything or think about throwing anything away."

recycling containers

reduce, reuse, recycle

It goes without saying that recycling plays an important role in the day-to-day running of Oleo. The long-used mantra of 'reduce, reuse, recycle' is something we bear in mind when we buy anything or think about throwing anything away.

At Oleo's production site, we separate waste into "rubbish", "plastic" and "glass".

Rubbish and plastic constitute the smallest volume of our waste.  Approximately every six weeks, I take these bins to our local recycling centre.  This means that very little ends up in landfill.

If you're not sure what items can be recycled at your local recycling centre, this is a brilliant website  Just enter your postcode and it will tell you what can and can't be recycled.

However, cardboard is probably what we see most of - generated from deliveries of ingredients and packaging.  Fortunately, this is easily recycled, and we also reuse larger boxes when delivering to our retail and wholesale customers.

"Something I discovered quite recently is that some fonts are more eco-friendly than others.  One of these is Century Gothic, so that's now our font of choice as it uses less ink."

We research our suppliers very carefully, not only for the quality of what they provide, but also on their eco principles.  We only buy from companies who actively practice reducing their carbon footprint.

Our recycling habits extend to the Oleo office as well.  Where possible, to cut down on paper usage,  we try not to print documents.  When we do, we use 100% recycled paper.  Our ink cartridges are also recycled.

Something I discovered quite recently is that some fonts are more eco-friendly than others.  One of these is Century Gothic, so that's now our font of choice as it uses less ink.

If ever you wonder whether recycling is worth it, then images of putrefying waste in landfill sites, generating greenhouse gas emissions and polluting the environment, are one of the most compelling reasons for recycling.

refuse site
girl with act now sign at refuse site
piles of rubbish

Posted by Olivia Chapman on March 18th 2021

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