Working With Plymouth University

One day in February as I was trudging through and deleting the huge amount of nonsense emails that I receive, there was one that caught my eye.

It was from a young lady called Amy Fry. She explained that she is a third year photography student at Plymouth University. Amy was planning to create a magazine full of sustainable ideas and small eco friendly business owners. She had found me through my Instagram account.

Amy came across as being very enthusiastic about her work, and this struck a chord with me. She wanted to come to my workshop in Bridport, Dorset and take some photos of my products.

I decided to agree to this; I wanted to give a keen, young student some help with her degree, and possibly a step on the ladder of the competitive workplace.

Amy was familiar with the Bridport area, and she arrived on the dot of midday armed with her camera and a friendly smile. She radiated a passion for her subject and confidence in what she was doing. 

pine cone next to Oleo natural beauty range

Almost straight away, without any guidance from me, some products were selected by Amy and she took several shots. I was impressed - they looked good.

I explained that, if her photos were of a high enough standard, I would like to feature some on my social media posts and possibly my website.

My workshop did not provide the neutral backdrop that was needed for the photos. Consequently it was agreed that Amy would take a selection of my Oleo products back to her studio in Plymouth to photograph.

In her efficient manner, I received a file containing her studio photos a couple of days later.

At the end of the month, Amy is coming to Bridport on a (sunny!!!!) Saturday to take some photos of my market stall and to capture the buzz and ambience that is Bridport market.

When you see her work, I think you'll agree with me that Amy has a bright future ahead of her. 

sleep well bath oil from Oleo
natural soap from Oleo
range of natural beauty products from Oleo
Oleo natural beauty products in a bag with rosemary
collection of natural beauty products from Oleo

Posted by Olivia Chapman on March 9th 2020

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